

The world's top organizations choose Checkmarx
to make their software more secure


Software Security Platform

Checkmarx is a next-generation solution designed from the ground up to support agile development process and Devops, with no compilation of code required. Checkmarx identifies all the development technology that a customer is using on its own, whether it is Java or .NET or otherwise. Multiple languages interconnected can be scanned in one go. The most important aspect is that it shows exactly, on which particular line, the vulnerability is. The user interface is very intuitive, and it offers help on the fly.

Software Complexity and Speed of Delivery Lead to Software Exposure


The New Unknown: Software Exposure


Checkmarx's Offerings

  • – Static Application Security Testing (CxSAST): A highly accurate and flexible Source Code Analysis product that allows organizations to automatically scan un-compiled / un-built code and identify hundreds of security vulnerabilities in the most prevalent coding languages. § Interactive Application Security Testing (CxIAST): An application security testing solution that detects vulnerabilities in running applications under test.
  • – Open Source Analysis (CxOSA): A solution allows organizations to manage, control and prevent the security risks and legal implications introduced by open source components used as part of the software development effort.
  • Codebashing: An interactive e-learning platform that helps developers learn and sharpen application security skills in the most efficient way, in a game-like, enterprise ready platform

Instill security into your CI/CD pipeline and release secure software faster

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